Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Year and Secret Paws!

Happy 2009 efurryone! I hope you had wonderful holidays. I got some fantastic presents! First my Secret Paws present came where I got tons of tasty goodies that I have been munching on efurr since. THEN my Bunny Mommy's friend brought us a plate that has a lil gray bun on it that looks just like me! So we have a pose of me with my plate. Then my cousin Giacomo brought me goodies for under the Christmas tree. People has been so generous!


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tree in the House!

Hi aminimal furriends! Now that I has finished my thank you notes from my purthday I thought I would blog about Christmas in my New York flat. Bunny Mommy and Daddy gotted their first real Christmas tree in their apartment. It was a small potted thingy for two years. They decorated it and gotted a tree skirt for it and Bunny Mommy was furry nice and hung bells around the perimeter of the tree at the bottom so I could play with them and ring them. I sure do likes to ring them (see the picture). The only problem is I am not friendly with the tree skirt. But it's not my fault! Mama knows that we buns like to make nests and pat things down and nip at them to make them the desired fluffiness. So when I gets to play we take away the skirt. In cases I don't gets to blog again afore the holidays I wanted to wish efurryone Happy Hannukah and Merry Christmas since they're both next week. Bunny Mommy says when we come back from our trip to Virginia she will helps me update my links to include my new furriends.

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Monday, November 24, 2008


Guess what aminimal furriends?? Today is my 4th purthday! Bunny Mommy says that I am almost a grown-up. Bunny Daddy wished me a happy purthday this morning afore he went off to work. Bunny Mommy wished me one too but she is still here helping me type. They is already giving me treatsies, I got lots of basil yesterday and I THINK I may have smelled some cilantro in the house but I'm not sure. Hooray, I sure do love purthdays! Plus I love that my mama remembers BOTH my purthday AND my gotcha day acuz that means twice the fun!

Note from Bunny Parents: we want to wish Mrs. Sniffles a VERY happy 4th birthday. We can't believe she's already 4! We never thought Mrs. Sniffles would be so full of personality and be such a source of excitement when we first got her. Of course now, we can't imagine life without her. So happy birthday, little bunny bee, we love you.


Thursday, November 06, 2008


Hai aminiminals!!!!!

Thanx to evfurryone for the good thoughts for my Uncle Jack the woofie. It turns out he had a light case of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. He has never even been to the rockies!!! Maybe he snuck out one night?

The doctors say that if he keeps taking his medicine that he should get better. I hope so because Bunny Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see him come Thanksgiving.

Again thanx for all the good thoughts!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Send Good Thoughts For Uncle Jack!!!

Hey everyone. It seems like everyone is getting sick. First my sweet sweet boy bun Orlando was a little under the weather. Bunny Mommy, however, heard through the berryvine that he is doing a bit better, which makes me feel much much better.

Now my uncle jack it pretty ill and is currently in the pupper hospital. He had to go in because he lost his spunk and had a bad bad fever. He was sitting under the covers shaking he was so feverish. They have given him liquids and lots of meds, but he still can't keep food down. The vets have done all sorts of bloodwork and have no clue what is the matter. They are beginning to worry that it may not be a virus, but they don't know. The vets don't even want my grandbuns to visit him, as they fear it may be too stressful...

If everyone could send a get better thought his way, it would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weddings are over, is it Sniffles time yet?

Well aminimal friends I have good news. Bunny Mommy and Daddy are on wedding furlough until MARCH. That means 6 whole months where I return to being the center of their world. It is about time acuz my 4th purthday is coming up in a little over a month and I suspect they will need that time to figure out the perfect purresent for me. In the meantime I have been trying to get their attention so they let me out more. I realize that it could be considered bad behavior to try to eat the carpet, but they must understand that I needs my Mommy and Daddy time! I am an only bun, after all. The even gooder news is that soon Mommy will be on winter break and that means she'll be home LOTS for like a WHOLE MONTH and we can play together. Hopefully she'll let me visit all my furriends to see how they are doing! How long is long enough to act like a naughty teenager until I act all binkies again?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Updates from NooYork

Hai everyone!!

I just wanted to pop in and say hello. Busy times around our house, but the bunny parents assure me that this is the last of the weddings, until next year. Yes it is frustrating, but i lay on the guilt trip for the bunny parents.

I mean today, as Bunny Daddy was running around getting dressed for Court, I would bound out of my box to the door of my cage everytime he came in the room. I would then run from one side of the cage to the other following him. I don't think he wanted to leave me!! When he comes home and lets me out, i think i will ignore him to show him who is the boss.

Oh and i heard this crazy rumor around the apartment. My Bunny Parents must have gone cookoo. I believe i heard something that they were applying to rescue a sister for me. What was odd about the conversation i heard was that it sounded like it was a woofie sister, something about a french woofie. Her parents abandoned her and she has been living well with a chinchilla.

Did i ever tell you the story about my Uncle Jack? You see, Bunny Daddy's mum in Ohio adopted him. He was about a year old when Bunny Daddy's cousin saw this adorable Jack Russel in the park. Bunny Daddy's cousin kept an eye on him and kept going back to the park to check on him. Evidently, some mean person dumped Uncle Jack in the park. (From what Bunny Daddy has told me, it also seems like they really smacked him around too. He gets really scared if you have a stern voice and move your hand at all.)

Bunny Daddy's cousin eventually coaxed Uncle Jack over to her and took him home. She scoured the papers to make sure no one was looking for him. That is when Bunny Daddy's mum adopted him!!! He lived with Bunny Daddy's mum for a couple years until Bunny Daddy's mum. When Bunny Daddy's mum became ill with cancer, you really saw how great a woofie Uncle Jack was.

During all the treatments and her subsequent decline, Uncle Jack never left her side. He always went to check on her and would snuggle in close to her. Even when people came over, he had to know that she was ok. Uncle Jack even took to sleeping in her special room right beside the bed when she became too ill to leave the bed. He refused to even go out to the bathroom, save once or twice a day. He stayed right by her side until she passed. When she did, he knew something was wrong and wimpered and did not want to leave. He kept nudging her hands, hoping that she would somehow wake back up. After that, he never went back into that room.

It was then that Uncle Jack went to live with Bunny Mommy's parents, my grandbuns in Virginia. They never had a woofie, and Uncle Jack showed them the ropes of owning a woofie. When they don't feel good, he makes sure to give extra snuggles. He gets soooo excited when he gets to see Bunny Daddy. He bounces all around. I got to meet Uncle Jack a few months ago, and while he is too hyper to be around me, i do get why everyone loves him.

Uncle Jack is why the Bunny Parents want to adopt this little french woofie. Every amininal deserves a good loving home. I know they give me a good home and would do the same for this woofie, plus i get to be a big sister like Fiona. (sorry Lando teehee).

So we shall see where this rumor goes... maybe nowhere, maybe to getting a little sister. That is the great thing about life, you never know where it will take you!