Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Dear Bunny Mommy,

I know you is in school right now and that you do not have much time. But that doesn't mean you love me any less. And it doesn't mean you left and moved away like Bunny Daddy keeps saying. I know he is just kidding. But that doesn't mean your absence is not felt and you can get away with the regular amount of pets. I should get extra to make up for it. Maybe an extra papaya nibble in my bowl? I'm just sayin'.

Love, your Mrs. Sniffles

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Snuggles for Muggles!!!

Some of you may remember the Snuggles for Muggles auction that DKM ran a while back. Well Bunny Mommy was the proud winner of the Beauxbatons snuggle, which arrived just a day or so ago. We have firmly integrated it into our decor and Bunny Mommy is snuggling up to it when Bunny Daddy runs the air thingy too high. I have fully explored and sniffed it. PLUS it came with a special card, which my sweet boybun Lando autographed for me. And another plus it came with this new kinda bunny crack I has never seen before. I hope to share some with my Lando since he was so nice to send it. Here are some pictures that Bunny Daddy took of my furry first exploration of our new snuggle.

Thanks, DKM!!!

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Monday, August 20, 2007


I thought I would let everyone know that Bunny Mommy and Bunny Daddy are back!!!

While I am very happy to see them, I cannot let them know that. I refuse to acknowledge them. When I am in my cage, I sit with my back to them to punish them for leaving me. Even when they let me out, I did not grace them with any nose bumps or flop out next to them on the couch. I will show them! I wouldn't even let them show me piktures.

As to my antics while they were gone, I chewed the plastic wire tie that holds my litter box in the cage and then tipped the box over! I then tipped my nest box over as well. I made a nice mess of the place.

I promises to post some piktures once they are uploaded to the internet thingy.

PS: To Hops: I see you are enjoying your new digs. Hope your mom makes it through the orientation thingy ok! Bunny Mommy told me that she was gonna be busy all week. This after leaving me for a week!

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hi Baby Sniffles from your MAMA

Hi Sniffles! Bunny Mommy and Daddy have a computer in our hotel room so we thought we would write you a post to say hi. We miss you very much and don't worry, granbun is going to let you out tonight. We have been going to the beach a lot (when Daddy isn't working) which you would not like because it's HOT and WET and SANDY. Fit for woofies but not buns. We will be home on Saturday afternoon at which point we will snuggle you until you can't stand it. If we find any cute bunny items we'll bring you home a present.

Love your Bunny Mommy and Daddy


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bun Days of Summer

Boy it is hot here in New York! Hops, I hope you're not sweltering since your move! I spend most of my days home with Bunny Mommy sleeping or relaxing in my nest box. The flat is fully air conditioned of course but I like to think it's hot so I can hang out more. Bunny Mommy says she wishes she had a picture of me sleeping in my box but that the flashy thingy would disturb me and she doesn't want to do that.

So on Saturday Bunny Mommy and Daddy head off on a trip that is kinda business kinda vacation. Bunny Mommy's Mommy will be watching me and even letting me out since they're gone for a week. They've never left me for this long and Granbun has never let me out all by myself. I wonder what kind of mischief I can cook up.

Any suggestions? I'm especially thinking of you, Rabbie Burns!

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Mama's Home!

So Bunny Mommy has been home with me for the last couple of weeks acuz she took off 5 weeks before she goes back to school on August 20th. It has been furry nice having her around, though that doesn't mean I've stopped my usual shi-nanna-gans (that's what she says, at least). I still like to dig out my box when it looks like Daddy's leaving. I dig and dig at my litter box, then it gets filled back up, then I dig and dig again, then I get sprayed with the water bottle, then I shake off the water, then I dig at the box, then Mommy says "oh fine then!" and leaves me with an empty box. Then I go much on my cardboard. I like this routine. I will be furry sad when it ends and she goes back to school. All for now!

From the desk of Mrs. Sniffes