Thursday, May 29, 2008

Updates and Bunny Tribute

Hello efurryone!

Mrs Sniffles bright and shiny and without a runny nose here! It's been a whole week since I've been taking medicine and it's been great. I must admit I miss snuggling up to my Bunny Daddy (even though I'd never tell him that) but I am glad not to have that medicine anymore. Cherry flavored, my foot! Bunny Mommy is home for the next few days before her internship starts next week so we get to play for extra long times. She is laughing acuz now she has a runny nose and is on medicine that makes her sleepy and take afternoon naps just like us buns do.

I also wanted to take a moment to tell efurryone to visit Archie's Mum. She lost her bun Archi Ann, who we loved furry much. You can find the link to her page here on my site.

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Friday, May 09, 2008

Thank You Well-Wishers!

Bunny Mommy reminded me that I had to write a thank you note to efurryone who has been checking up on me and my runny nose. Well THANK YOU. I am slowly getting better. I has to get new medicine acuz my runny nose came back today, but the vet isn't worried since my tests didn't show anything serious. The good news is I eats my food and my hay and I has lots of spunk. Really the hardest part is on daddy. He gets a little bit scratched up when he tries to give me my medicine. Fruit flavored my bunny butt! But Mama cut my nails and so I has been much better. Plus being sick has meant that I gets more floor time with Mommy and Daddy and I likes that a lot. Anyway, enough about me, I need to visit efurryone else's blogs! I hope efurryone is doing well, I will visit you soon!
